Student Accommodation Carpet – It’s Not Just About Durability
30 June 2017
If you are over forty, the phrase “student accommodation” will probably conjure up a whole host of mental images. If you then add the word “carpet” to “student accommodation”, you will most likely think of words like: “durable” and “hard-wearing”. Fast forward to the world of educational facilities management in 2017, and the potential damage … Continued
New Faith Room Carpet by Heckmondwike
21 January 2016
Allerton High School in Leeds has specified an exciting new integrated carpet from Heckmondwike FB for its multi-faith room. The school required a bespoke design that featured the co-ordinates of a compass to denote the direction for prayer, integrating purple lettering within green carpet to reflect the colour of the school’s logo.
Plenty of ‘Space’ at Hampshire Office Refurbishment
21 April 2015
Digital company LiveLink Tech Ltd has demonstrated how creative carpet design can set the tone for the whole building at its new offices in Havant. Enhanced Floors recommended that LiveLink chose Supacord by Heckmondwike FB because of its wide choice of colours and its durability.