The brand new cutting-edge Ark Soane Academy required a carpet solution to match, so opted for the best-selling Supacord by Heckmondwike, with its high-performance properties and BREEAM A+ rating making it the obvious choice.
- Due to be completed in September 2021, Ark Soane Academy is a new learning facility that has been built on the former site of Acton College.
- The school is being constructed in two phases, with the first phase housing classrooms, science labs, art, music and PE facilities. The second phase, due for completion a year later, will expand on this, with further learning and performance spaces.
- Once complete, Ark Soane Academy will be home to 1,200 pupils, comprising of secondary and sixth form students.
- The site is also part of a mixed-use development, which will also house 116 residential units which are being built to support the growing demand in the area.
- The newly developed project is being led by LocatEd – a government-owned property company helping to deliver new free school sites across England.
- The main contractors on site are ISG, with Architecture Initiative being the architects.
- To date, Heckmondwike has supplied 1,100 square metres of its market-leading Supacord carpet tiles for the project.
- Supacord is the smart choice for education and has been for almost 50 years. Manufactured in the UK at Heckmondwike’s site in Liversedge, Supacord has been installed in thousands of education facilities across the country.
- With a tried and tested heavy contract rating, Supacord is perfect for the toughest education environments. Available in 42 colours, there is a host of options to chose from to suit almost any installation.
- Heckmondwike’s Supacord carpet tiles were installed on-site by flooring contractor and long-standing Heckmondwike customer, Loughton Contracts.
Used in classrooms for over forty years, Supacord is now considered the number one carpet solution for schools, colleges and universities.